Busines meeting at the Types conference in Nottingham, April 19, 2006

Next Types Meeting
The Udine site will organize it in a year from now.

Next Types project
Christine Paulin together with Yves Bertot will start the process of application for the next Types project. The application should have been sent in before summer next year. There will group of people to help them with writing.

Suggestions for small workshops
Rewriting and Proof Editors
Gilles Dowek will organize this.

Design and implementation of proof editors
Conor McBride will organize

Generic Programming
suggested by Marcin Benke

Dependent types in programming
who can organize this?

Courses and visits
We were reminded about the possibility of using Types money for this.

How to deal with the increasing number of talks?
After a short discussion we agreed on the following method: Each site (together with its subsites) will be given a time slot which is proportional to its attendance during the previous two Types meetings. The allocation of talks within this slot is decided by the sites together with the subsites. The external people will be counted as one site, and their talks will be decided by the steering committee. This method must of course be executed with intelligence and not by computers. It seems clear that most people are not in favour of short talks. It should also be more room for informal discussions. The excursion is one such forum.

Bengt Nordstrom, April 2006