Course Assignment



After this assignment you will:


Select one of the papers by Prof David Jones:

Suppose that it is two years before that paper was written, and that you are writing a grant application for funding for the work described in that paper. As part of your application, you must write a popular science description of the proposed work (maximum 4500 characters).

This should be written in such a way that even someone with little knowledge of the subject can understand what the project is about, and what benefits the proposed research could bring. Think about the reviewers reading your proposal. After reading the description they should understand the importance of the area of the proposed research, they should feel excited about the research that you are proposing, and they should be convinced that the project is worth funding!

Since you are pretending to write this in advance of the work being done, you cannot refer to results obtained, and you do not need to describe all details of the methods to be used.

You are welcome to choose a different paper by David Jones for this assignment. In that case, please inform me of your choice in advance.

Please send your description to me as plain text in an e-mail message (no Word files, no PDF files, etc.). The maximum number of characters is a hard limit (as in Vetenskapsrådet applications). There is no minimum length constraint.

Students from the Chalmers Graduate School in Bioscience should complete the assignment after meeting David Jones in February 2007.