Lecture 4

Transformations, superpostion and structural alignment



After this lecture you will:

Supplementary Material

Kearsley's method for finding the rotation matrix that minimses the average distance between sets of atoms is described in:

Kearsley, S.K. (1989) "On the orthogonal transformation used for structural comparisons", Acta Cryst., A45, 208-210. (PDF)

For more information about the DALI algorithm for pairwise protein structure alignment, see the articles "Protein structure comparison by alignment of distance matrices" (J. Mol. Biol. vol 233, 123-138, 1993) and "Mapping the Protein Universe" (Science vol. 273, 595-602, 1996) by Liisa Holm and Chris Sander, and the DALI server web site.