Research School in Genomics and Bioinformatics
Research School in Genomics and Bioinformatics

Basics in Bioinformatics and Databases

Part 1: Basics in Databases

Practical: SQL



After this practical you will:


In this practical you will use the Oracle relational database management system. You will access the database using the program SQL*Plus, which is an interpreter for the SQL language.

When you run the SQL*plus program you need to give your Oracle user-name and password. The Oracle user-name created for you is the same as your UNIX user-name, but with "@medic1" appended (e.g. if your UNIX user-name is "bid-21" then your Oracle user-name will be "bid-21@medic1"). You can leave SQL*plus by typing the command "exit". This is what you will see in a terminal window when you run SQL*plus:

% sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Sep 29 10:30:41 2003

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Enter user-name: bid-21@medic1
Enter password: 

Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

medic1> exit
Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

You can create the "dept" and "emp" relational tables by copying and pasting the SQL commands that are given below. Try out some of the SQL queries from the lecture, and some other queries of your own.

Create some tables of your own, add data to these, then write some SQL queries that access these tables.

-- SQL statements to create the 'dept' and 'emp' tables

        deptno   int,
        dname    varchar(12),
        loc      varchar(10));

        empno    int,
        ename    varchar(7),
        job      varchar(10),
        mgr      int null,
        hiredate date,
        sal      int,
        comm     int null,
        deptno   int);

-- SQL statements to insert data into the 'dept' and 'emp' tables

INSERT INTO dept VALUES (10, 'accounting', 'new york');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (20, 'research', 'dallas');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (30, 'sales', 'chicago');
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (40, 'operations', 'boston');

INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7369, 'smith', 'clerk', 7902, '17-DEC-80', 800, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7499, 'allen', 'salesman', 7698, '20-FEB-81', 1600, 300, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7521, 'ward', 'salesman', 7698, '22-FEB-81', 1250, 500, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7566, 'jones', 'manager', 7839, '02-APR-81', 2975, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7654, 'martin', 'salesman', 7698, '28-SEP-81', 1250, 1400, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7698, 'blake', 'manager', 7839, '01-MAY-81', 2850, NULL, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7782, 'clark', 'manager', 7839, '09-JUN-81', 2450, NULL, 10);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7788, 'scott', 'analyst', 7566, '09-DEC-82', 3000, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7839, 'king', 'president', NULL, '17-NOV-81', 5000, NULL, 10);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7844, 'turner', 'salesman', 7698, '08-SEP-81', 1500, 0, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7876, 'adams', 'clerk', 7788, '12-JAN-83', 1100, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7900, 'james', 'clerk', 7698, '03-DEC-81', 950, NULL, 30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7902, 'ford', 'analyst', 7566, '03-DEC-81', 3000, NULL, 20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7934, 'miller', 'clerk', 7782, '23-JAN-82', 1300, NULL, 10);

-- SQL statements to remove the 'dept' and 'emp' tables


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