Graham Kemp > Teaching > Programming Tools


Lecture 1

Overview of the UNIX kernel, shells, filesystem and system directories; some common UNIX commands; redirecting standard input and standard output; pipes; pattern matching with UNIX filenames; using regular expressions with the grep command.
Some lecture slides (PDF)

Lecture 2

Solutions to the "UNIX 1" practical exercises were discussed. Some UNIX commands: sort, cut, paste, comm, tr; editing streams with 'sed'; processes and pipes.
Some lecture slides (PDF)

Lecture 3

C shell scripts; UNIX file permissions; a simple spelling checker; command substitution in a script; scripts that write and execute other scripts; sed scripts; plotting data with gnuplot; controlling interactive programs from within scripts; some UNIX commands: awk, csh, echo, fold, mailx, nl.
Some lecture slides (PDF)

Lecture 4

Molecular graphics with gnuplot; comparing files with diff and cmp; sort and uniq; managing processes with ps and kill; expand and unexpand; octal dumps with od; typescripts with script; working with tar files; overview of the assignment exercise.

Supplementary Material